Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Some Girls Are Prettier Than Others. And It Doesn't Matter.

Assuming most of you also use some combination of Pinterest, Facebook, or Twitter, you may have seen this blog post going around:


(I can't figure out how to link right now, copy-paste it old school style will ya?)

It's a good read, I really like it. If you haven't read it yet, take 5 minutes. I'll wait. No I won't, because I'm not actually writing this as you're reading it, unless you watch Dr. Who, in which case, tell me how much I should watch it because I think I would love it.

I think it's an important message for many plus size ladies, but I have one little problem with it. If anyone reads this I'm probably going to get crucified for saying this but..


I think some of you are way hotter than other's of you.*

And it doesn't matter.

Being average looking or, dare I say it, unattractive by conventional views DOES NOT make anyone less worthy of love and affection, a rocking sex life, self-esteem, equal wages, respect, human rights, etc.

I get a little tired of the "all women are beautiful" self-esteem because it makes beauty the most important part of who we are, and by definition requires SOMEONE to set a standard. Obviously our Western/American media/culture standard is too narrow, but  who then?

It shouldn't be an issue because how ANYONE sees our physical attractiveness shouldn't be at the top of the list of what defines us. Feeling self confidant and worthy shouldn't rest on feeling beautiful. People are worthy of much more than just being looked at.

Being able to see your own beauty is an extremely convoluted issue, one that I imagine 99% of women have some problems with, as Dove recently pointed out (though surreptitiously harmfully in my opinion, but that's another blog. Well, actually it's pretty much the same issue as this blog but I'm tired of talking about Dove because I already did for so long on Facebook and I'm lazy, maybe I'll copy-paste later). It's been one of the biggest struggles in my life, and likely will be for a long time. Definitely not something I can take to heart all the time.

This has been written about all over the interwebz, and much more eloquently than I just did, but cut a sister some slack, my blogging muscle is a bit atrophied. There are a ton of other things I could have written about, but this one was floating around in my brain today.

*I say this in the most, I-dig-guys-so-hard way possible, though I'd be lying if I didn't also admit I'd be ALL over Christina Hendricks.